

The Guidelines on Reposting or Using Contents in Yata-Tetsu's Videos


最終更新 2022. 06

As of 06/2022



Contents are subject to change.






 All users who wish to use whole or a part of my videos or any contents in them must read and follow the terms below in any cases including: reposting my videos, using all or a part of them, using sounds, pictures and/or texts, and imitating the video designs.



事前許諾の必要・不必要 / When Permission is Necessary?






 Find your purpose of use and check what you can do and have to do.


個人的に楽しむ場合 / For personal use.





 The permission is required when reposting my videos or uploading your works or webpages containing any contents of my videos. Therefore, if you wish to download my videos for just personal use only, you do not have to get any permissions from me.


特定の目的で音声を使用する場合 / Use sounds for some designated purposes.



 If you wish to use the sounds of my videos for the following purposes, you do not have to get my permissions in advance. However, you must show the credits of my original videos by indicating URLs or video titles of them in the video descriptions or end credits of your work(s). There are some exceptions on the credits in case you use sounds for a teaching material, so read the terms below carefully.


・音MADの音声素材とする場合 / As a material of sound remix (Oto-mad) works.(*1)


・前面展望や運転風景の効果音として放送やメロディを挿入する場合(コンピューターゲームの映像を含む)/ As a sound effect in the cab's or car-windor viewing (incl. computer games.)(*2)


・Webページ上の放送シミュレーターの音声素材として利用する場合 / As a material of station or train announcement simulating webpage.(*3)


・言語教育の目的で、レッスンに音声を使用する場合 / As an educational material in a language teaching.(*4)


*1 ... 必ず楽曲と共に使用し、再生速度を楽曲に合わせて変更するなどして、音声をそのまま使用せず、加工していることが条件となります。 You must use my sounds with a song and play them to the rhythm. 


*2 ... 過度な放送文面や放送内容の編集を禁止します。たとえば、放送を面白おかしく編集して使用することや、誤解を招くような内容に編集することは禁止します。 You cannot make changes that may mislead the audiences onto my sounds.


*3 ... 音声を切り貼りして内容を変えた放送の動画を投稿する行為は、これに含まれません。Webページ上で閲覧者が自由に放送文面を変えられるシミュレーターの音声素材として使用する場合に限り適用されます。音声を切り貼りして内容を組み替えた放送の動画を投稿する場合は、許諾が必要となります。


*4 ... リアルタイムで配信する授業で使用する場合には、クレジット表記を極力お願いしておりますが、強制ではありません。学校など、教育現場でリスニング教材として使用する場合には、クレジットを提示することが難しいことが想定されるため、例外的にクレジット表記は不要です。

Exceptionally, the credit is not necessary if you use the sounds as a listening material in your language class held either at school or online. 


その他の目的で、動画内コンテンツを使用した動画又は静止画を、ネット上にアップロードする場合 / For posting videos or images containing any contents in my videos onto the Internet.







 If you wish to use my videos for other purposes, for instance when you copy the pictures and texts in my videos or imitate the design of my videos, you must request my permission in advance.


動画自体を転載する場合 / Copying and reposting my videos







 It is strictly prohibited to repost my videos, including short cut of them, at other channels on YouTube. There is no exceptions and you could not get permissions if you sent me an application. 


 In case you wish to repost my videos on a website other than YouTube, you may be allowed to do so by sending me an application. The application must contains the URLs or titles of my videos which you would like to repost, the website that you are going to repost them, and the reasonable purpose to do so.


使用許諾の提出方法と注意事項 / How to Request Permission

使用許諾に記載する内容 / What Information is Needed in Your  Application


 Your application must contain the following information:


・あなたの作品を投稿するサイトおよびアカウント名 / The name or URL of website and your account name where you are going to post your work.


・使用する音声素材 / Which video(s) you use.


・使用目的(詳細に書くこと) / The purpose.





 Please send the message to me by leaving comments on YouTube or sending an e-mail to my address below. 

 Those wishing to contact with me are reminded that your e-mail can be designated as a junk mail and not be sent to me. I recommend contacting with a comment.


▶ yatatetsu_contact-youtube☆yahoo.co.jp ◀


 ☆を@に置き換えてください。Please replace ☆ with @.


許諾申請時の注意事項 / Important Notes To Request Permission







・Make sure that your message contains essential information, or otherwise your request may be rejected.


・You should send me the message in good time since it will take as long as one week to examine your request. You are to be allowed to use my contents after you got permission.


・Even you could get permission, you have to show the credits of my original videos by indicating URLs or video titles of them in the video descriptions or end credits of your work(s).


動画や音声の使用が制限されるユーザー / Users Restricted to Use My Videos


 The following persons are prohibited to use any contents in my videos.


・動画や音声の無断使用・転載やデザインの盗用など、禁止されている事項を行い、やたてつから何らかの指示を受けた者 / Those who had used my contents or repost my videos without permission and got penalty from Yata-Tetsu.


TwitterもしくはYouTubeでやたてつからブロックされている者 / Those who are blocked by Yata-Tetsu at Twitter or YouTube.





 These persons are prohibited to use any of contents in my videos. If you have more than one announts and even one or some of them correspond(s) to the list, your right to use my contents is invalid in all of your other accounts. 

 In addition, if you use my contents and become blocked later, your permission is to be revoked and you must delete your posted videos containing my contents.


ガイドラインを破ったユーザーに対する罰則 / Punishing Violators




 Violators must be forced to delete their videos using my contents and they will lose their right to use my sounds from the time onward.

 In addition, violators who used any of contents of which primary copyrights belong to me will be claimed paying licence fee for my copyrights.


使用料 / License Fee


10,000 JPY per a video.


さいごに / Read at the Last





 My works are created not for those who use my videos or contents but for my pleasure. All uses must follow the guidelines or otherwise I would no longer accept copying or reposting. If you find violators, please report it to me and tell them not to do such immoral activities.

 Thank you for your cooperation.

Written by Yatatetsu ... All Rights Reserved